Tuesday, 23 July 2013

Danielle's Peanut butter cups

Okay so i have been saying im going to attempt to healthyfi these for ages now and i finally did and OH MY GOD they taste amazing...

As you can see they are no bake as well which means they are even easier to make!

Now for mine i used cookies and cream protein powder instead of co co and they taste sooo good but its doesn't bind perfectly with the coconut oil so i added a bit of coco tot he mixture i used on top and it set much better... you may also substitute the agave syrup for pure maple syrup or honey if you would rather but just remember there is a lot of flavour going on already and agave syrup is an alternative to sugar without much flavour :)

for 124 kcal you cant go wrong, all the ingredients are natural and clean so these are good for you PLUS there is no actual chocolate involved BONUS!!

I went on a massive hunt for cheap coconut oil and luckily i found some in Waitrose for £5 but in holland and barratt it was nearly £16!!!!!

So give it a go...i will def be making these again i can't tell you how delicious these were so go ahead and make them and let me know how yours come out! upload a pic to instagram and tag me @myfatscrying

Oh here is a picture of mine... the white bits are just coconut oil but it doesn't taste of anything :)

Also i would just like to add if you have any questions but don't want to post them on here feel free to email me my.fats.crying@gmail.com :)

NEXT UP: protein balls

Lots of hard work and dedication (and guilt free snacking)

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