Friday, 21 June 2013

Healthfied cake pops

For all you cake lovers out there you are going to want to read and try this recipe...they were so simple to make and only 49 calories & 0.4g of sat fat...whaaaat? yes i know but its true and they are delicious :)

What you will need

1 cup of ground almonds
1/4 tsp of salt
1/4 tsp of baking powder
2 eggs
2tbs maple syrup
1/3 cup of almond milk (save a small amount for the frosting)
1tsp of vanilla extract

For the frosting

Half banana 
a lil bit of maple syrup

You will need a cake pop machine You can get them from argos for around £15 or you could make them in to donuts if you have a donut maker :)

1) Heat the cake pop machine up

2) Mix all the dry ingredients together and then add in the wet ingredients (mix with a wooden spoon until all the ingredients are bound together)

3) When the machine is hot enough fill them up and leave for around 5 minutes

4) while they are cooking chop the half banana into rounds and pop in a bowl and put in the microwave and mush it up (be careful as the bowl will be hot and i burnt myself :( ) add the little bit of almond milk and maple syrup and mix it all up.

5) When the cake pops are done, dip them in the frosting and then put sticks in them and Vooola healthy cake pops.....


Let me know how yours come out and if there is anything you would like a healthy version of and i shall try my best to healthafy it :)

What have you done today? I went to a 6.15am cross fit class and it killed but it was amazing so i might post the workout up if you would like to try it :) 

Lots of hard work and dedication

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